Posted 08/08/2020 15:00

This week we catch up with Audacity Week 5 MVP Xumi to talk all things UKIN and Rainbow Six Siege.

For those who might not know you, can you give us an introduction to Xumi?

Well, my name is Lewis 'Xumi' Coulson, I'm 20 years old and I am the entry player for Audacity Esports I have been on the team since March, I have been playing Siege for around about 3 years now & Competitively for nearly 2 years.

You had a standout Week 5 picking up the MVP title and taking down Vexed 7-0, going into the season some saw Audacity as the underdogs. What have you done as a team to pull off those results?

As with every team, we had a lot of prep going into the game, we knew the exact operators that they wanted to play, strats they were going to run, and what positions and players to be afraid of the most. With this we knew the best way to play and as you can see it worked like a charm. We knew a map like consulate we didn't really need to take too much control so we just capitalised on things like small man counts on site. But as a team we like to adapt as we figure out more, so we forever changing ways we can pick apart a team.

From current standings and your upcoming matches who do you feel will be the top 4 heading into the finals?

I feel as when it comes to top 4, obviously that top 2 is us and Cowana. But when it comes to 3rd and 4th I feel as MnM and either Fierce or Navi. MnM are in a very good place at the moment, especially with a game with Vexed to end the season, However Vexed had a superb performance against Cowana so honestly could be anyone's game there.  I know that Navi have had a bad start to the season, but due to everything being so close anything could happen and with the most recent loss they gave us, they are right back into the running of top 4. Fierce on the other hand are a very strong roster however Fierce have Cowana in their next match which is tough, but could possibly pull away with the win. This season has been the hardest yet, but we shall see.

Away from the PC do you have any rituals or preparations you do for a game day?

Usually when it comes to game day, I usually try and be as active as possible, either working out or having a walk to clear my mind and think about what will happen, then it will either be grabbing food and making sure I run over VODs and other prep work and as much as possible before warmup and warmup scrims.

Create your own team - you are the coach, what 5 players are you picking up? It can be any player Pro or Am across the world.

If I had to create my own dream team, well... I already play in one, I couldn't ask for better teammates so I choose falcon blackout Omoz and Zeus.

If it was pro players then I'd choose: Dan, Pengu, BriD, Kendrew, Aceez, but if I could mix EUL and NAL then I'd choose: Shepherd Rampy Doki Pengu Laxing.

Any final comments or places for people to follow you?

I'd just like to thank anyone that’s been around for me, the team and believed in us, we couldn’t thank you all enough especially those who have given me the opportunity to be here. You can follow me on Twitter: @XumiR6 That is where you can contact me/See me post majority of the time