Posted 19/09/2020 15:00

This week we catch up a UK scene household name, Xrtroika!

For those who might not know you, can you introduce just who is Xrtroika?

Hi, my name is Ollie Hatton ‘XTROIKA’. I’ve been casting Rainbow 6 Siege for two years. I have a deep passion for the game, and really enjoy watching the UK scene grow, all the way from grassroots to challenger league - and beyond. 

You recently completed the first ever UKIN season, how did you find it?

It has been a pleasure to be involved with the first season of UKIN, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part in it. The level of competition we have seen this season has surpassed expectations and the added segments to the broadcast in the post show and debrief offer a really unique behind the curtain peek to the UKIN scene. 

What’s your favourite part of being a caster within the scene?

It’s a pleasure to be a part of a community I’m so passionate about, and a privilege to be able to be one of the voices that get to cast fantastic games getting to experience and put words to the highs and lows that we see on a match by match basis. From the ‘hype moments’ the ‘could have beens’ I love it all. 

Who are your go to defenders and attackers?

I am a little old fashioned and tend to lean into a Smoke or Jager pick on defence, with a Hibana or Zofia on attack… Certainly been enjoying playing around with Ace (the operator that is) 

With Challenger League building up, any early predictions? 

It has to be our very own MnM those guys have put on a hell of a performance over the course of the regular UKIN season, picking Yuzus up toward the end certainly made them look like a different team again, and one I think will be in with a good chance to make it all the way from UKIN to EUL

The World Cup was recently announced, how do you think the UK will do? Any standout players for you?

It's coming home. 

Create your own team - you are the coach, what 5 players are you picking up? It can be any player Pro or Am across the world.

Kendrew, Nathan, Sloth, Hxsti, Yuzus -- gotta keep it UKIN ;)

Any final comments or places for people to follow you?

I hope everyone enjoyed watching this season of UKIN as much as we enjoyed working on it. 

Feel free to follow me on twitter @XRTROIKA