Posted 05/09/2020 15:00

This week we sit down with UKIN Summer ’20 winner Nathan from MnM Gaming!

For those who might not know you, can you introduce just who is Nathan?

As you can tell, my name is Nathan. I'm 19, I've played siege for roughly two years and started playing competitively around a year ago. I met the core roster of dats and jonka around 9 months ago and have had a lot of success since then.

Huge congratulations on winning UKIN Summer ’20 and claiming that Challenger League Spot. You had a shaky start to the season, what do you think turned it around and lead to you having such a dominant performance in the Finals?

I think with the first game being our first game as a team and realising how each other react to different situations, it was a learning experience and we went it to each game not being scared of losing rounds and being confident enough to beat any team in this league.

How did you find the new UKIN Season? Also, the level of competition?

This season has been the most competitive season of Prem/UKIN ever in my opinion. A lot of teams had individual players which could win them games. When this season started I always felt like we were one of the top 2 teams alongside NaVi. Ofcourse Cowana suprised us and a lot of others but when we played our game and wasn't scared of losing, we showed how well we could play, even when we had only scrimmed a week with Yuzus before finals.

Your next focus will be the Challenger League, out of the teams who have qualified so far who do you think will be your biggest challenge?

I think out of all the teams in Challenger League so far, Penta would be the most difficult just because they have a pretty random playstyle but all have individual skill to win rounds.

How does this differ to a National competition?

Even though national league competitions are getting better and better, Challenger League will always be more competitive as it is the so call "best of the best" from each national league. This season will be interesting to see what happens.

Create your own team - you are the coach, what 5 players are you picking up? It can be any player Pro or Am across the world.

Shaiiko, Sheppard, p4sh4, Bosco, and Blurr of course!

Any final comments or places for people to follow you?

Follow me on twitter at and watch us play in CL, we will try to get better than 6th this time.