Posted 15/08/2020 15:00

From Prem Qualifiers to the Majors, this week we sit down with Captain Fluke!

For those who might not know you, can you introduce just who is Fluke?

Fluke is a mess of a person, that's for sure. I am a caster for Rainbow 6 that has worked in the scene for a couple years now, from London and still based in the UK after moving North to go to Film School. 

I have a rescue-cat called Tabby, who is not a tabby, and support Newcastle United. I play too many tabletop role-playing games and have kept a steady plat 2 ranking for at least 3 seasons now. You may have seen me on twitter posting about any of these things, my status in the LGBTQ+ community or making gifs with my friends faces in.

You may have also seen me on the recent APAC and EU Major announcement, this season of UKIN, the OGA Minor, CCS Womens season 1, the prem promo series or when I used to do Minecraft videos on Youtube. Quick build challenge, I was there man. Also, some other stuff but if you say too much in a dating profile, no one wants you, you give the game away.

What were the steps that lead you to wanting to cast Rainbow Six and what have been the difficulties?

For me I used to stream a lot and was a sort-of lets play-er but I fell out of love with doing the same thing over and over. It was a lot of stress and time, creating and editing and streaming constantly. I used to do light presenting work, University level things and some hosting events where I got to make bad jokes and wear fancy clothes, so I thought I'd give it a try with some friends. Forced them into a ten man lobby, I'd talk over the top and at the end track their graphics, kills, fun stats and they could have a laugh and watch themselves back after. Has kind of spiralled from that.

Difficulties I suppose are that it involves a TON of networking and being a face. I mean, the job is you are the translator between talking about a game and an energetic audience. It is a tough environment unless you are a very specific kind of person, and anything on camera or voice gets magnified tenfold. Getting past that as someone who battles with dysmorphia is a constant anxiety stresser, but I'm lucky the Siege community is pretty supportive.

You have gone from the ESL Premiership Qualifiers to now working on the Major in under two years, has there been a standout moment for you?

It's been a blur! It's very hard to pick just one stand out moment if I am honest, for me I've been very lucky and very fortunate with who I have gotten to work with, and where. The first OGA series I was invited to cover was pretty insane, flown to another country to work in a studio for a month. I think that was a moment when I realised “this could really be a full time thing.” But to be honest, the events I look back on with the most love are the UK events. There is nowhere that is funnier, the energy from the stage, the after party. It's the home game and it really has that vibe.

Do you have any tips for up and coming talent who want to replicate what you have achieved?

You've got to LOVE what you want to do, it is like getting into anything creative like acting or music. It takes skill and practice and prep, but at the end of the day you compete with your friends for work so you have to keep that love strong, be happy for each other when you succeed and use it to keep fuelling you to keep going. Also, it is a bit of a grind but stay open to improving and who knows where you might get with it!

Who’s going to take the UKIN title this season?

Ooof, this is tough. Cowana and Audacity have impressed everyone, MnM are starting to find themselves though and NaVi has woken up. I'm going to say MnM, but this season has been impossible to predict. It is just as likely ' She's 5'6” ' show up to take it.

Create your own team - you are the coach, what 5 players are you picking up? It can be any player Pro or Am across the world.

Dream team? Alright I'm going to pull from everywhere, comms are going to be a mess. Muzi, Leon, EnvyTaylor, Rampy, Kendrew. Will this team succeed? No idea, but it has two Brits on it so it counts as a UK team in my eyes

Any final comments or places for people to follow you?

I am on twitter @captainfluke, honestly I wouldn't recommend it though. Unless you like tabletop games, film & TV or me just being a mess of a person. If so, call me.